Survived Adepticon 2019 and the Way of the Brush Meet & Battle

I survived another Adepticon and had a excellent time as well! It was really great meeting all of you that stopped and said "hello". The Live Way of the Brush sessions were fun and I hope we learned alittle bit as well... maybe. A big Thank you to Matt (boat lover) for GM services and all the work he did for making this event happen. Congrats to Jason for taking "Best Appearance Award" for his wonderfully painted Tyranid models. It was hard picking a winner as there were somany well painted models taking part in the battle.
I wasn't around the convention as much as previous years as I had other obligations around the city. I have been to a total of 4 Adepticons and never saw chicago the city itself... this time I did some of the touristy stuff.

I didn't enter any of the competitions this year (crystalbrush or ResinBeast) as I didn't get my ass in gear this year... next year... I swear! I do have a tonne of projects to get through for the year and now is the time to get to them. Maybe I should start a project list and simply work my way through them.
Things are about to change at work (MiniWarGaming) and I'm super excited for it. the move will be a pain in the rump but that is the price to pay for a all new facility. But in the future when we have guests stay with us they can play games till thier hearts content and take a painting class or two! Which means now I have to plan lessions... ew... sounds like work... ;)
Again I had a blast at this years Adepticon and hope to see you at the next one in 2020. Be sure to sign up for the Way of the Brush Meet & Battle. For the next event maybe some more prizes? more awards? both? Let me know your thoughts!
See you all at the next Adepticon 2020, Take Care of Your Brushes and They'll Take Care of You!