Way of the Brush - the most informative/ entertaining 120 min on the internet on the Wargaming Lifestyle.

Unboxing Kill Team: Hivestorm Warhammer 40K
Sept 21 2024
00:00 - Start 01:23 - Back of the Box 03:27 - Blade of Destiny 04:16 - First Impressions Frames Sprues 06:11 - First Impressions Terrain frame sprue 09:13 - Game Board 10:20 - Cardboard divider and rest of box 10:54 - RuleBook and guides 13:51 - HiveStorm Dossier 15:23 - HiveStorm Assembly Guide 17:58 - KillTeam Tokens 18:32 - Kill Team Approved OPS card Pack 2024 20:31 - Closer Look at Sprues Tempestus Aquilons 23:50 - Closer Look at frames Terrain 30:01 - Closer Look at frames Vespid Stingwings 32:06 - Sniff Test 32:28 - Outro 33:32 - Credits The launch set for the new edition of Kill Team is jam-packed with incredible new rules, miniatures, and other stuff. The Warhammer Studio has worked tirelessly to produce the best version of this tight and frenetic skirmish game set in the grim darkness of the far future – and the result is a finely balanced game of covert operations in three dimensions. This box contains 22 all-new miniatures in two complete kill teams – the daredevil special operatives of the Tempestus Aquilons and their foes, the sinister xenos Vespid Stingwings. They are battling for the fate of Volkus – a planet which mounts one of the biggest guns in the galaxy, and a key strategic point in the wider battle for the Chalnath Expanse. Both teams come with numerous build options – most can be built either as regular troopers or as key operatives with a diverse array of specialised skills, weapons, and gear. The Aquilons specialise in near-orbital drops directly on their targets, arriving with an automated servo-sentry gun, and an array of devastating Imperial arms, while the terrifyingly mobile Vespid flit about the killzone on their wings, laying waste with their advanced neutron guns. The box comes with a 112-page softback Core Book containing full rules for the new edition, and a 72-page Hivestorm Dossier going into details about the plot and the campaign for Volkus, and including the rules for both teams. You also get a Core Token Sheet with 92 double-sided cardboard tokens, another token sheet with 55 tokens for your two teams, 36 Approved Operations Cards to build missions and objectives, a game board, 10 six-sided dice, plus 14 substantial pieces of new Killzone: Volkus terrain, and a Kill Team Equipment Pack containing 30 pieces of universal plastic equipment. Sniff Test - https://youtube.com/shorts/ib0DepCf10U Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PJky5tiQ6tG809MS4TH6Q/join The point of the Unboxing videos series is to be my first impressions and reaction to the product being discussed. https://www.wayofthebrush.com for early access to the painting tutorials visit my patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/kbelleau #killteam #unboxing #warhammer40k
Warhammer Reveals! Next Aeldari wave (I have Thoughts...)
Nov 22 2024
In this tabletop wargaming video I talk about the upcoming Aeldari wave of releases for the tablet game of Warhammer 40,000. I share a few of my thoughts on the upcoming release of new aspect warriors and phoenix lords. This is all very exciting for many existing aeludari players as well as new collectors to the ancient craft world Eldar. The galaxy is sliding ever further into a maelstrom of war and chaos, challenging the foresight of the Aeldari’s greatest seers, and more and more often are the Craftworlds dragged into conflicts they would otherwise be content to avoid. But at this darkest of moments, the elite warriors of the aspect shrines are buoyed by the return of their legendary progenitors, the Phoenix Lords – and a new face is among their number. You may have already seen that Fuegan is on his way back to the battlefield with a shiny new miniature, and his Fire Dragon disciples are following swiftly on his heels with new duds of their own. It is said that Fuegan will call all of the Phoenix Lords together at the Rhana Dandra – the prophesied final conflict to end the universe – and Aeldari seers must be starting to sweat a little because he hasn’t arrived alone. Each squad of Fire Dragons has new helmetless options in case you want to run them as part of a thematic Ynnari army, plus a dragon’s breath flamer if you fancy torching infantry in the gaps between blowing vehicles to pieces. Asurmen is the first of the Dire Avengers, the right hand of the Aeldari god Asuryan, and an incomparable protector of his people. He has visited more Craftworlds than any other, raising shrines on almost all of them, and legends tell of his intervention in battles stretching back thousands of years – butchering daemons by the dozen with a diresword containing the spirit of his murdered brother. Baharroth is the swiftest of the Phoenix Lords and Asurmen’s top student, preferring to strike from the skies with his lethal blade and storms of lasbolts. His new miniature takes his classic dynamic launching pose and supercharges it, bringing his intricately crafted wings and immaculate armour soaring into plastic for the first time. He’s joined by the new plastic Swooping Hawks, who get their first model update in over two decades – and what an update it is. Like the Fire Dragons, they have new helmetless options, while their classic elegance is brought bang up to date with hawk’s talon, scatter laser, and power sword options for their Exarch. Veteran fans of the Craftworld Aeldari have long pondered the identity of the Phoenix Lord of the Warp Spiders. The shrine’s aspect warriors are a fixture of Aeldari war parties, but their forebear has remained hidden in the webway… until now. Even among their seemingly immortal kind, Lhykis – also known as the Whispering Web – is a daredevil who embodies Khaine’s willingness to risk everything for victory. She plunges herself into the Warp time and again with utter fearlessness and a keen eye for navigation, jumping further and more accurately than even the most ancient of her Exarchs, and always appearing in a crackle of warp lightning to deliver her people from doom. The one-of-a-kind suit of aspect armour she wears houses four additional arms – two armed with a unique pair of death spinners while the others end in wicked monofilament weapons reminiscent of the infamous harlequin’s kiss. Even with this arsenal at her back, Lhykis’ most dangerous weapon is the crackling sword Vhattarkan, also known as Weaverender, which is so sharp it can carve the fabric of reality itself. Of course, we couldn’t have a new Phoenix Lord without her disciples also getting an upgrade. The new Warp Spiders look phenomenal and jump back in with expanded options for their Exarch, including an insectile four-bladed setup that looks positively lovely to be on the receiving end of. The Asuryani wander the stars in colossal craftworlds, each with its own unique philosophies and traditions that translate into a distinct approach to battle. There are eight separate Detachments, which include the all-round Warhost, and more specialised formations such as the Seer Council, the Windrider Host, the Harlequins’ Ghosts of the Webway, the Devoted of Ynnead and the Aspect Host – in which the new Aspect Warriors deploy in the terrifying shadow of the Avatar of Khaine. Head back to the reveals hub and check out everything else we’ve shown today. Warhammer Community article - https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/articles/gw3wcpc7/world-championships-preview-aeldari-phoenix-lords-step-from-the-webway/ Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PJky5tiQ6tG809MS4TH6Q/join https://www.wayofthebrush.com for early access to the painting tutorials visit my patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/kbelleau
Unboxing Leman Russ Exterminator Annihilators Legions Imperialis
Aug 25 2024
00:00 - Intro 00:55 - Back of the Box 02:00 - Blade of Destiny 02:30 - Shrinkwrap ASMR 03:05 - Assembly Guide 03:44 - Transfers 04:05 - Frames First Impressions 04:28 - Closer Look 05:58 - Sniff Test 06:23 - Outro 07:45 - Credits In this Way of the Brush Unboxing experience we take a look at the latest miniature release for the popular tabletop game of epic combat Legions Imperialis set in the 31 millennium of Warhammer the Horus Heresy. Leman Russ tanks are the workhorse of Humanity’s armies during the Horus Heresy, and no Solar Auxilia army is complete without them. This pack contains eight tanks that can be assembled as either an Exterminator with a plasma cannon turret or an Annihilator with twin lascannons, with the option for a heavy bolter or lascannon in each hull and 288 transfers on the Solar Auxilia Vehicle transfer sheet. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PJky5tiQ6tG809MS4TH6Q/join Affiliate link for Warhammer Merch - https://merch.warhammer.com/products/premium-warhammer-the-horus-heresy-logo-t-shirt-1?sca_ref=6466936.ghzMHr6mlT The point of the Unboxing videos series is to be my first impressions and reaction to the product being discussed. https://www.wayofthebrush.com for early access to the painting tutorials visit my patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/kbelleau #LegionsImperialis #Unboxing #warhammer
Unboxing Legions Astartes Termite Assault Drills
Aug 25 2024
00:00 - Intro 00:48 - Back of the Box 01:39 - Blade of Destiny 01:57 - Shrinkwrap ASMR 02:28 - Assembly Guide 03:05 - Transfers 03:25 - Frames First Impressions 04:04 - Closer Look 05:26 - Sniff Test 05:52 - Outro 07:08 - Credits In this Way of the Brush Unboxing experience we take a look at the latest miniature release for the popular tabletop game of epic combat Legions Imperialis set in the 31 millennium of Warhammer the Horus Heresy. If attacks from the air won’t cut it, assault the enemy from beneath the ground with a squadron of eight Termite Assault Drills. Each one can hold a sizable complement of troops, so your infantry can burst out of the ground where your opponent least expects it. Each pack also contains the Legiones Astartes Vehicle transfer sheet with 1,130 transfers. Sniff Test Termite Assault Drills Legions Imperialis - https://youtube.com/shorts/QeeFK9guY7A Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PJky5tiQ6tG809MS4TH6Q/join Affiliate link for Warhammer Merch - https://merch.warhammer.com/products/premium-warhammer-the-horus-heresy-logo-t-shirt-1?sca_ref=6466936.ghzMHr6mlT The point of the Unboxing videos series is to be my first impressions and reaction to the product being discussed. https://www.wayofthebrush.com for early access to the painting tutorials visit my patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/kbelleau #LegionsImperialis #Unboxing #warhammer